Q: Have your pets ever gotten in the way of your writing?

Etta Helping
Etta Helping

You mean like this? (See above pic)

They may hinder the flow from time to time—they do have needs, after all, but overall, they make life more enjoyable. They remind me to take breaks, to pet them; that I am loved, as they head-butt me for pets; that they are my overlords, as they reach out and slap my pen out of my hand or walk across the keyboard at a critical moment. They’re helpful like that…and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Note about the picture: notice how far the coffee mug is from my desk blotter? That’s not a one-off. I jot notes on my blotter. Reminders about key scenes as I’m editing. Ideas for other projects. A running to-do list, if you will. In the past, I have lost key pieces of information to spilled coffee thanks to Etta helping me write. We now have a system: she gets a say via Lis Mewsings each month in exchange for leaving the coffee alone until mid-morning. Well-played, Etta; well-played.