I receive remarkable questions from students and readers—about stories, history, the process of writing, and all those dark, unexplored crevices in history. It never ceases to amaze me how inquisitive young minds can be. I learn so much for what I’m asked to consider or rethink, so whether you’re a young reader or not, ask away… Submit a question!

dairy products
Women & Girls: Dr. Mary Engle Pennington

If you purchase frozen or refrigerated foods, and haven’t gotten deathly ill, you can thank DR. MARY ENGLE PENNINGTON,...

Vintage meat knife, fork and spices over stone table.
Q: What sources do you use to find out what people ate?

Q: What sources do you use to find out what people ate? A: Research. I look for receipts, journals,...

printing blocks
Women & Girls: Charlotte Guillard

Credited as the first female printer, CHARLOTTE GUILLARD ran a successful printing and binding business in 16th century Paris....

Emma Rotor
Women & Girls: Emma Unson Rotor

Sometimes, the people who are the quietest do the most to save democracy. EMMA UNSON ROTOR is one such...

Q: What is your writer kryptonite?

Q: What is your writer kryptonite? A: Bizarre, but true, facts are my kryptonite. When I am doing research,...

Q: Why is it important for writers to be avid readers?

Q: Why is it important for writers to be avid readers? A: To become better writers. Here are two...