My day always starts the same:

  • 6:30 Wake—Coffee (I recommend a coffee maker with a timer)
  • 6:35 Feeding Cats (unrelenting beasts scream until fed the good food)
  • 6:45 At Computer—check deadlines; create daily goals

Every day starts the same. I usually work ahead, especially with items related to the newsletter or website, but not always. If there’s nothing due this day, I look over list of “To Do” from yesterday. I use Post-Its to track where to begin each session. This works for every stage of writing, from the initial research to final edits. If I’m on the first draft, I read the last section written, check my outline, and pick up from there. Regardless, I always set clear goals for each writing session.

  • 6:50-11:00-ish Writing Session—I’m only good for about four hours of steady writing. If I’m “hearing” the characters tell their stories loud and clear, it may go longer. If I’m editing, I need breaks.
  • 11:00-1:00 Re-reading day’s work/Lunch/Creating “To Do” List for next session
  • 1:00-2:00-ish Break for walks/laundry/petting cats
  • 2:00-ish Business—answering emails; updating newsletter; compiling blog ideas…again, Post-Its from yesterday guide the session. ( I should have titled this: Guided by Post-it Notes)

Since I work for myself, I can set-up my days however I want, and the truth is: I need a schedule.  I need a schedule with clearly defined goals for each day if I’m to stay on-task and meet my career goals.